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Cleansing: Discover How Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Can Help With Cleansing Your

Chinese herbs

Spring is a wonderful time to alter your diet to a lighter, healthier menu. In Chinese Medicine, the liver organ is awakened and starts to naturally detox itself. To support this process Dharma Acupuncture is offering a spring cleansing special. Using Standard Process's 21 day cleansing kit, a specific diet is followed, herbs and supplements are taken daily, and a regime of acupuncture treatments and cupping are rendered.

In her 10 years of practice Lisa Swanson has witnessed patient's getting off their medications and losing up to 3-6 pounds per week while following the specific cleansing regime. "Patients feel better and weigh less after doing this cleanse. I often see improvements in cholesterol, blood pressure, pain syndromes, digestion, sleep, and hormone regulation which effects reproductive health and emotions."

Through the spring season Lisa Swanson's clinic Dharma Acupuncture will offer the cleansing supplies and recommended treatments at a discounted price of $585.00. Please contact her office to schedule your 21 day cleanse: 530-648-4194

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